Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 8 - Saturday

We woke up for our last day of vacation expecting to try to tube down the river. We'd been trying all week but with all the rain it was impossible. However, when the weather finally cleared we still couldn't because the river was so high there wwere warning about the safety and children under a certain age weren't allowed to go on the river.

So instead we went to a flea market in the took the kids to play video games and then we drove around to a flea market, arcade, and a historic school called the Little Greenbrier School.

Along the way we got a little lost, but it was a delightful lost. We ended up halfway through the National Park on the wrong road and ran into this awesome overlook. Beautiful!

Here's Shelby exploring the old cemetery at the Little Greenbrier School

Hailey was fascinated with all the little gravestones and read each one.

The Little Greenbrier School

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