Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bluebell Woods

There's this little patch of woods that I drive by every day and I've noticed in the spring the whole forest floor radiates an electric blue. I've never had the nerve to investigate what the blue was until recently. I secretly just drove by wistfully and wondered if I'd ever be able to experience the flowers.
Well, we finally decided to do it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Secret Bend in the River

The two highlights of the day - The bullfrog we found that was nearly as big as Shelby's head and the beaver we saw swimming downstream to her den. We named the bullfrom Jake Jack and we named Mrs. Beaver Consuela.

Easter Eggs

Hailey working really hard!

This is what Shelby did most of the time - bossed us around.

I realized when I was looking at this picture that Hailey's hands look EXACTLY like mine. That's so cool. Everyone always says the girls look just like Brian, but that hand is identical to mine and mine is identical to my dad's. It makes me feel like I'm part of something bigger than me to have someone that I look like and for my daughter to have someone that she looks like.

Hailey was having so much fun designing eggs that she was laughing. Actually at this point she may have been dipping her fingers and watching them turn colors.