Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday Fun

Today started out bright and early with highlights and haircuts at Christina and Co. It happened to be quite a long morning, and the girls did as good as they could being confined to one chair for three hours. Everybody's heads turned out quite nice, but it was a frustrating morning because they started to get out of hand toward the end. Hailey did better than ever before, but Shelby is getting quite vocal in her disobedience at times, and when someone with scissors has a big chunk of your hair in their hands you're not really able to chase kids around and make them be quiet. So I decided the girls needed to wear off some energy at Columbian park.

We've never taken Shelby to the zoo there before so Hailey and I decided to show her all the cool things we found on her school field trip there this past spring. It was great.

The best part about it - it's free! We can hardly wait for Aunt Jodi and the kids to come visit so we can take them there with us. There's so much to see and do!

The girls rode giants painted frogs.

And they acted like hillbilly children who had never seen water coming out of an elephant's trunk before. Shelby was fascinated, and (given that she has frog blood coursing through her veins) couldn't help but jump, step, slide, squat, shake, plant her little self on top of every fountain we came to. I'm surprised she didn't come out of the park soaked.

(By the way, her fascination with all things liquid has taken on a new turn in the last two months. She has realized that everything IN bottles, cups, etc looks even cooler when it is OUT of the bottles, cups, etc, and she has begun pouring EVERYTHING out of its rightful container, just for the pleasure of watching it pour. Milk in my back seat, water from the cat's dish on the kitchen floor, sprite from the bottle. She stands there, pours it, and squeals with delight as she watches it dump out of the bottle. Hopefully, she grows up to be some sort of hydrolic engineer or something. I deserve some payback for her dumping an ENTIRE happy meal milk down my back door panel the day she decided she wanted to watch it splash. YUCK!)

Look at the two little birdies I found in the giant Bald Eagle nest.

This was a visit for us to see some goats in the barnyard doing their thing as we contemplate what kind to get if we end up doing that this summer. Based on our research, this is the kind we could get - Nigerian Dwarfs. They're good for milk and meat and are considered great companion animals. Obviously Shelby thinks so too.

Shelby is in LOVE! I have never heard so many belly laughs in one hour as I did in the Barnyard playing with the goats. She was hugging them, chasing them, climbing with them, scolding them, mothering them, feeling their bellies for babies, etc, etc, etc. I can hardly wait to get some!

Hailey was very fascinated with the hangy things from the goats throats. I don't know what they are but Hailey kept playing with them.

Then we decided to see what we could discover at the Dinosaur Dig. Thankfully we didn't discover any sand in the eyes. Shelby was so discouraged about her goggles slipping down her face, she kept taking them off. They both kept flipping dirt up with their "discovery brushes" that I was sure one of them would end up with grit in the eyes. Thankfully they didn't play there long.

We finished the day with a stop in the flower garderns where I caught these two butterfly fairies sampling the nectar.

What a fun little Saturday!

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