Friday, July 17, 2009

Chilly Summer Adventure

Today was like 75 degrees and yes, you're right, it is the middle of July. It's supposed to get up to a steamy 69 degrees on Saturday. Loving it!

Here are some pics from our adventure tonight. We took a walk after supper and found a great drainage tunnel and ditch right in the field by our house.

This is a pic of Mary Katherine and Hailey walking down our country road. It's the strangest thing. Mary Katherine is like a guard cat when we go on walks. She follows right on our heels and meows loudly as if to defend us from terrorist insects and such while we are hiking and adventuring.

Here's the cool tunnel we found. I could hardly believe when I said "Walk through it" and they both did. Where did the freak-out-about-a-mosquito fear go? Who knows, but good riddance.

Running! Love the freedom and the wind in your hair! It was like they couldn't get enough of it.

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