So then we talked about Oscar's jobs - worshipping his Creator by obeying his master, watching our house, biting burglars in the butt, loving us. He does a good job of it. Every day I come home and wonder (when I see the newly chewed items on our porch) if having a pet dog is worth the amount of money it costs to adopt, neuter, feed, take to the vet, buy toys for, etc, etc. Tonight I was sitting in the car helping Brian bleed the brake line (I believe that was what I was doing by pushing down and letting up on the brake a couple times) with Ozzy's head on my lap and him looking like he couldn't think of one place in the whole world he'd rather be and I realized that yes it is worth it to have a pet dog. Right about then Brian walked by and said "He's a good boy, isn't he? I think he's going to work out to be a pretty good dog." Coming from the King of Understatements, I think we agree.
Hailey sees that Oscar can do the job God gave him, Brian and I finally agree on a dog we both see some great potential in, Oscar is FINALLY learning to not jump on the girls and freak them out, and we are all happy. Life is good! Sometimes Hailey's perspective shocks me. She is very deep.
So since she's got a deep perspective here's another way to explore it. She recently got her hands on my camera and decided to document our day. Here's a couple of the (way too many) pictures she added to my memory card. What kind of perspective do you see?
Shelby on the other hand is getting to be less introspective and more expressive. She recently discovered that using the word SOOOOOOOOOO adds a great deal of (what she considers) necessary emphasis on many words and expressions. So everything Shelby does these days is SOOOOOOOOOO . . . . "Mommy, I'm SOOOOOOO tired." "I'm SOOOOOO hungry." "I have to go potty SOOOOOOO bad." Along with SOOOOOOO, she's discovered that anyone could be corrected if only she speaks up quick enough by using the word "Actually" which comes out "Ak shu ly." "Well, actually, I'm not a baby (when she wants to wear her big girl panties and I want her to put on a pull up for bedtime)." or "Well, actually, I'm not hungry (when I tell her to eat whatever meal of the day she's now choosing to hate.)"
Well, actually, I'm exhausted . . . and it's off to bed for me.
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