Saturday, July 18, 2009

Farmer's Market Morning

After hearing the weather forecast for Saturday I knew we were going to want to be outside. We'd planned a great bike ride, but at the last minute decided to head first to the Farmer's Market in the city and brunch with some dear friends, Eddie and Shelly and their kids, Jackson and Maggie.

Jackson has always been a special boy to me. My first memories of him are from the Early 2's Sunday School class I taught when first coming to Faith Baptist Church. During class he colored all over his shoe with a crayon. He was always my favorite child in that class, although I hadn't yet made the connection that he belonged to the new lady in my Bible study, Shelly, who I was starting to love more and more. Shelly's mom had been in my first Biblical Counseling class and I'd fallen in love with her too.
Anyways, when Shelly saw Jackson that Sunday morning of the shoe coloring incident I made the connection that two of my favorite people belonged together, and then I had my first experience of seeing a Christian woman disciplining her son biblically. It was awesome to see her teach him through the experience.

Anyways, that's my first memory of Jackson and my first memory of my friend Shelly disciplining Biblically. Through the years I've realized that I know almost everything I know about discipline and teaching my kids either from having Shelly teach me or from watching her.

Through the years our friendship has grown sweeter and sweeter. Shelly rejoiced with us when Hailey was born, visited her in the hospital, touched her tiny little foot even when no one else was allowed to b/c of the germs dangers in NICU, etc.

And through the years Jackson has been a special person to both of the girls, but especially Hailey. She is drawn to him. Most of the time when they're together they're holding hands. It's so sweet. So innocent and pure.

What a beautiful friendship! And I'm so thankful!

And like Hailey is drawn to Jackson, Shelby is drawn to Maggie. Maggie does so good putting up with the adoration of such a little kid.

Jackson lead the children's table in prayer. Oh man, that little restaurant was truly an experience! I can't wait to take my sister. I'm not going to take my mom. She'd want to clean it first before she ate there. That was so fun and yummy. Good coffee, good entertainment from the man behind us who ordered "The Challenge," and good conversations. There's nothing like laughing with friends over breakfast.

Apparently, the Farmer's Market is THE place to come shopping with your whole family including the family dog. They were everywhere, all cute, nice and friendly. But man oh man, there were dogs everywhere, and Shelby had to touch each of them. She'd walk up, start talking to it, reach down and hug it, ask its name, and carry on like they were best of friends.

I'm a bad mom. One of them licked Shelby and she screamed. I told her to lick him back. So she did!

Oh my girls! I love them so much. What a wonderful day we had at the Farmer's Market!

Smelling the soaps at the Soap Vendor. Hailey was intrigued by the Chocolate Soap.

The colors were amazing! And the vendors were very concerned that their displays were appealing! I couldn't believe how adorable the different locations were! I can't WAIT to take my sister and her kids there someday!

After that Hailey, Shelby, and I were off to explore the Wabash Heritage Trail. Oh my word, it was fun. We rode about 6 miles on our bikes. What a perfect setup, double wide sidewalk trail, asphalt, and perfect slopes no matter how good of a biker you were.

Shelby had fun chilling from the backseat of my bike. I REALLY can't wait to take my sister on the trail! I wish Shelly and Eddie would overcome their hate of bikes to go with us too!

After that we hit a little playground, biked to the Levee for a little ice cream treat. That's our bikes parked right outside the window. Hailey chose this seat because she'd be able to make sure they didn't get stolen outside. She's so cautious!

This was my ice cream - Orange non dairy deliciousness. It's like the first time I've been able to keep ice cream in my belly without getting sick. It Orangey and Grapefruity and absolutely matched both girls shirts, which made it that much more delicious for me to eat.

Shelby - She was getting so tired her eyes starting looking like the deepest turquoise ocean. I love it when they're that color. So I had to take this pic, even though you really can't see what I'm talking about very well.

After that we were off to enjoy Daddy's last softball game. He was disappointed that he didn't have any great hits but we have really enjoyed the weekly relaxation at the ballpark!

What an absolutely PERFECT day! Thank you God for our friends and family, for two perfect children who give us so much joy and companionship, a beautiful city to work in that has great parks and activities, and the beauty of a cool day in the middle of July!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Chilly Summer Adventure

Today was like 75 degrees and yes, you're right, it is the middle of July. It's supposed to get up to a steamy 69 degrees on Saturday. Loving it!

Here are some pics from our adventure tonight. We took a walk after supper and found a great drainage tunnel and ditch right in the field by our house.

This is a pic of Mary Katherine and Hailey walking down our country road. It's the strangest thing. Mary Katherine is like a guard cat when we go on walks. She follows right on our heels and meows loudly as if to defend us from terrorist insects and such while we are hiking and adventuring.

Here's the cool tunnel we found. I could hardly believe when I said "Walk through it" and they both did. Where did the freak-out-about-a-mosquito fear go? Who knows, but good riddance.

Running! Love the freedom and the wind in your hair! It was like they couldn't get enough of it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009